
Essential Oils

Essential oils are liquids derived from plants through careful steam distillation and cold pressing. Essential oils to plants are like blood to us. Just like when we are scraped or cut and blood rushes to the surface as part of the beginning of the natural healing process, plants work the same way. They are up to 50 times more powerful than herbals. Since molecules of oils are small, they are quickly dispersed and absorbed through the skin into the blood stream.

The purest essential oils we offer from Young Living have the power to uplift your spirits, promote physical wellness, and purify your home. Use them in place of harsh chemicals in your home to promote a healthy environment. Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils also promote a natural, healthier lifestyle.

We are an authorized independent distributor for Young Living. Daisy Giggles is a registered professional account authorized to retail Young Living Essential Oils on Account number 2408422. All the YL products we offer are original, new and sealed authentic name brand products. Our products are part of the Seed to Seal process that makes Young Living Essential Oils safe and effective.

We do not claim to be a medical professional. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. When you have specific questions about a medical matter you must consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. You should not delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment as a result of reading any information on this website.


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